GCSC Launches Parent and Community Survey District in Search of Feedback on Outreach, Engagement

Everyday, the Gary Community School Corporation is working to deliver the best educational experience for every child! The global pandemic has presented a unique set of challenges, however, it will not stop our team from pushing forward with the goals of academic excellence we have set.
As plans are being made for the new school year, community outreach and engagement will be paramount. We would like feedback from parents, specifically, and the community on the impact of our outreach now and ways to expand efforts moving forward. Please take our survey!
Below are two separate links. One link is for parents, and the other is for community stakeholders. We ask that you take only the survey that applies to you.
The survey will be available through June 29th and can only be taken once. Please feel free to share the links with your networks. The more feedback we receive, the better!
Thank you in advance for your participation and passion for education!

Parent Survey

Community Stakeholder Survey