January 6, 2022 


Gary Area Career Center Extends Spring Semester Offerings to High School Juniors and Seniors  


(Gary, IND) – The Gary Community School Corporation’s Gary Area Career Center continues to expand its program offerings. The revamp of the Culinary Arts program under the direction of new Culinary Arts instructor, Samekia Coaxum, ushers in new opportunities and partnerships for students, including a recent corporate donation of supplies. Horseshoe Casino donated a truckload of materials as well as tables and chairs to the culinary program. 
“We consider it an honor to contribute to the culinary development of students and look forward to helping the program and the students in any way we can,” said Jason Hoffman, Director of Hospitality at Horseshoe. 
 “The donation of hundreds of dining utensils and equipment will allow our students to experience hospitality on a professional level,” said Coaxum. “We will be able to expand our restaurant and dining experiences and cultivate a learning environment that will bring the next award-winning chefs out of the Midwest.” 
Students in the program will now be able to learn all angles of hospitality; both front of the house (interaction with patrons) and back of the house (preparing meals). Programs such as these provide the students an opportunity to work in restaurants upon completing high school.  

Juniors and seniors with a passion for culinary arts are encouraged to register through their school counselor. 

The Career Center is also beginning the Criminal Justice career path this spring. High school students interested in a future in law enforcement are encouraged to apply.  

For more information about career and technical opportunities at the Gary Area Career Center, contact Ms. Ware, CTE Coordinator at