WSLA Parents,
We will bring the students back into the building in phases. See below for the phase for your student by grade level.
Friday, October 22, 2021: Freshman ONLY
Monday, October 25, 2021: Freshman and Seniors ONLY
Tuesday, October 26, 2021: Sophomores and Juniors ONLY
Wednesday, October 27, 2021: All Classes/All Students
Thursday, October 28, 2021: All Classes/All Students
Friday, October 29th: No School FALL BREAK
New Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Morning Arrival
Our goal is for students to arrive and depart in a safe and orderly manner. WSLA early dismissal cut off time is 2:00 p.m. Please notify the office by 2:00 pm if there is a change to how your student will go home that day. Students who leave school early, before 11:00am, will have an unexcused absence on their attendance record. Parents are encouraged to avoid scheduling appointments during school hours. When an emergency makes it necessary for a student under the age of 18 to leave before dismissal, the student’s parent or guardian is required to pick up the student. It is strongly encouraged that parents avoid picking up students during the school day.
Student Arrival – Car Riders/Walkers
Upon arrival, students will enter through Door B and proceed through the security checkpoint inside the building.
Parent Drop Off
1. Students may be dropped off no earlier than 7:05 am. Note: Breakfast is served 6:30am-7:05am. Car riders eating breakfast must be dropped off in the roundabout and walk to Door K.
2. For safety, please follow the signage that is posted. Please remain in your car during drop-off time. Students will exit the car on the curb side of the vehicle.
3. If your student is walking from home, they can enter the school through Door K or Door B. Walking from home means that the student is not receiving a ride to a spot near the school to avoid the line of cars.
Student Arrival – Bus Riders
Students will exit the buses and line up single filed in preparation for building entry at Door K. Upon entry, students are to proceed through the required security checkpoint and enter the roped stanchion to have their ID scanned. Students will be given breakfast and proceed to their designated area in the gymnasium to sit and wait for classroom dismissal.
Afternoon Dismissal
Bus Riders
1. Students will be dismissed from last period classes per announcement. All bus riders will exit the building via the surge.
2. Once students exit the building, they should proceed immediately to load their respective bus; They may not return to the building to use the bathroom, go back to the classroom, etc.
Note: Students who receive door-to-door services will load buses in front of the school.
Parent Pick Up (Car Riders)
1. Parents remain in cars in line outside the front of the school.
2. If you are walking from home to pick up your child, please wait at the end of the sidewalk outside the fence. If your child does not usually walk home from school, you must let the office know before 2:00 pm so a message can be sent to the student.
3. To take your student out of school early, please come to the office by 2:00 pm to sign them out of school and avoid being caught in after school pick-up traffic.
Thank you for your cooperation so we can ensure safety and respect our neighbors living in the surrounding neighborhoods.